There was no mess! The furniture was arranged neatly and, though I tried, I really couldn't find a better place for most things. The boxes were all nicely stored in closets (ALL of them to be exact). There were even wall hangings put up already! Lastly, we got to the bedroom and had a beautiful spread already set up, with sheets, a comforter, pillows, the works! All we had to do at two am after our ten hour drive was fall into bed. THANK YOU SO MUCH DAD!!!
You see... Dad (Mueller) had rented and driven up a truck of furniture for our new apartment. (All of the furniture you see was given to us by Jake's gracious parents and the remodeling of the nursing home where Jake's dad is a chaplain.) He helped the guys move in and then stayed the night at our apartment before going home the next day. Before he left, however, he did all that work at the house for us! And then he drove all the way back to Missouri to preach the following morning. Jake's father is such a wonderful man, I am so blessed to have him as my father-in-law. We love you dad!!
Also, thank you to Mom Miller and my wonderful brother, for driving up all of our wedding presents to Saint Paul! We could not have moved without you :) And Brandon, you were such a sport... driving fifty hours by car in three days so my poor hubby wouldn't have to go alone. Our family is extraordinary! We sure love them :)
Ok so now here goes! We will do the bathroom first...
Here is our sink (obviously). The flowers are thanks to Mrs. Thormodson. And yes... it is always going to look this clean... of course... stop laughing at me!
And here is my overly indulgent shower curtain. But isn't it gorgeous?? Oh yes, and the rug. We like the rug too :) Or at least I like the rug and the fact that Jake is no longer using my beautiful, soft, NEW towels on the floor for his showers!! Ahem... yes, we like rugs.
And now for the bedroom. Here are the before... BEFORE... just in case you didn't hear me the first time... pictures. And I think it suffices to say these are actually AFTER Jake's dad put everything away neatly and we took it out again and BEFORE we cleaned it up. Thanks again dad :)

And AFTER!!!
This is my favorite part of the bedroom. This is the "wedding corner" of my dresser. We are kind of obsessed with corners aren't we? Here we have our champagne glasses from the wedding night, a card Jake got me, a frame that we will get a picture in eventually, a crystal bride and groom statue, and two beautiful, painted, heart boxes with wedding memorabilia inside. (Thanks Grandma for the boxes!)

Here is the top of Jake's dresser. I got all those from the clothing coop at the seminary for... free :) We are so blessed! And no just because it's his dresser does not mean he gets to decorate it. In case you were wondering...

At this angle you can see the bed and dressers...

Here is the bedstand on my side of the bed. A painted gourd from Grandma Mueller, thanks again Grandma! Isn't she talented? And a couple of candles. We are trying to cut down on our bills, and since electricity is the only utility we pay, Jake and I have been lighting candles in the evening for light. It was his idea, and actually kind of romantic... Wait, does that mean Jake was romantic? We'll give it to him :)

Here is our bed, the white oval pillow is also from the coop. Jake likes to use it for his neck while he's reading. And you can see the view from outside our window, hey! More apartments! Woohoo! Also, not pictured is a rather elegant full-length mirror with a gold frame, over by our closets on the other side of the bed.

Thank you so much everyone who has blessed us in our new marriage! I know there were so many gifts pictured (and not) that we have recieved. We are so grateful to all of you. I know I am not able to mention everyone here, just know that we are thinking of you and love you all! And for our families far away, just know we miss you and love you lots. We can't wait to see you again!
Jake and Dalas
P.S. - You know that blue circle thing in the middle of our dresser if you scroll up? Yeah... no idea what that is... it's some sort of light trick our camera played. Weird huh? Kinda spooky... good thing I have a strong hubby to take care of me at night!!
Where are the pics of the man corner?
Well... as soon as Jake finishes the man corner (glances sideways and Jake who is not currently working on his man corner) I will post pictures. So... stay tuned!