This first post is about our shopping spree the other day... We took our JC Penny gift cards and headed for the store. I figured we would get a nice set of cookware and maybe a rug for the bathroom and then head home... oh was I wrong. JC Penny was having a huge storewide sale and we bought just about everything for %50 off! It was great!! We probably came home with twice as much as we otherwise would have been able to with our giftcards and we still have a little to spare! So for everyone who pitched in with JC Penny's gift cards thank you SO MUCH!!
Here's what we got...
Jake modeling our picture-collage wall hanging. Now what to put in it...

Here's Jake with a beautiful wall hanging. It goes perfectly with our couch! Let's just pretend I knew that when I bought it :)
Here are some of our new bathroom accesories for the master bath upstairs. We have a shower curtain, bath rug and shower hooks. No I did not buy a shower curtain normally priced at fifty dollars... I would never be so frivilous... not me... Ok well... it was really cute though! And the shower hooks don't quite fit on our curtain rod :( But they were so nice I couldn't part with them so we're hoping they'll fit on our next one someday? Or we could just buy our own...

This is our downstairs half-bath. The other two pieces of the rug set are in here, since this will normally be our guest bathroom. I also have some beautiful green towels hanging up. Green and blue go together... I know they do...
Now for the kitchen! On the left you will see our brand new and really cool cutlery set with a spinning base thingy and all! (It was twenty dollars by the way, can you believe it!?) And on the right is our new set of glasses.
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