Saturday, September 26, 2009

Week Thirteen

No I have not been avoiding the blog...

And I most certainly have not been avoiding the blog because I promised pictures and don't want to put them up...

No I am not not wanting to put up the pictures because I had a little mysterious bump that mysteriously dissapeared after week ten and has yet to return... three weeks later...

Oh alright... yes I did do all of those things. I am guilty. Is this really the second time I've been having to post an apology for pictures I promised and don't want to put up? Maybe... yes... I'm sorry.

But really! There was a bump and the next week it was gone! And I'm still skinnier now (week 13) than I was in week 10. I will save you the ponderings about what could have caused the cute little bump that is now gone, but I assume you can do that all on your own without my help. So pictures will be postponed until... well until there's actually something to look at. Unless you all want me to post the bump pictures so you can laugh at me. But I will ONLY do that if expressly asked... by more than one person... ahem.

Now, on to new orders of business. We had our first prenatal appointment yesterday!! It was wonderful. Jake and I have decided to use a midwife and have a homebirth, for various reasons that will wait for another post. So we went to the midwife's assistant's house (She's closer to Fort Wayne. Our midwife's office is about an hour and a half away, so she has an assistant to help with births in this area.) We went over lots of paperwork, got on the scale... which actually wasn't too bad, and listened to the baby's heartbeat!!

I think it sounded like a boy, but I'm not really sure why. The heartbeat was 150bpm which is perfect range for the development right now. Our next appointment is scheduled in four weeks and I'm excited. Oh yes... and I have to start taking iron supplements along with my prenatal vitamins. My midwife looked at me and asked if I had a history of anemia... apparently I look anemic... probably because I am. Sigh... well at least pregnancy is forcing me to take my vitamins right?

Saturday, September 12, 2009


I have a job!!! Hooray!!

Finally, after being here for almost two months, I found a job! For so long in my life, I have always looked for a job, and one was there. I've never had to go "job hunting" per se. I would want to start working, find something I could do, apply, get hired, happy ending. Not so this time. I've applied for dozens of jobs in the last month and have had very little response. We were beginning to worry that I wouldn't find any job in Fort Wayne. Jake had a job already, so what was taking me so long? I was frustrated, worried... broke. And then I realized how for so many years I have been taking my jobs for granted. I've just always expected them to be there. When instead I should have been thanking God for His gift!

This time His gift has manifested itself as a lifeguarding position. I will be working at a boarding school type facility that happens to have a wonderful, indoor pool. I'm so excited! I have extensive experience with lifeguarding, and all things related, so it's something I'm quite comfortable doing. And I LOVE the water! But I can't remember the last time I've been swimming :( So now I can actually go swimming on a regular basis, for my job! Woohoo!! I'm excited :) Oh yes... and we can start paying rent... of course... :)

This job is only part time, so I'm hoping to find another part time job babysitting or some such thing; we will see what I can come up with. The Lord is providing marvelously for us, through the generosity of many of you and also through this gift of a job, which I will no longer take for granted.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mea Culpa... Mea Culpa Maxima

In other words: My own fault, My own Greivious fault... I'M SO SORRY!! I promised pictures last week :( Good news: I DID take the pictures!! Bad news: I'm still working on getting them on a computer I can actually use internet with. But I do have pictures of my belly at 10 weeks (I look like I ate too many doughnuts) and I will be taking an 11 week picture this week AND I still have that surprise picture for you. So when I DO finally post them, you'll just get extra :)

Also, I've started working on our family newsletter, that will be going out to family and friends through our course at seminary. If you are interested in receiving a newsletter, please leave a comment (or shoot me an email) and let me know! If you want us to send it to you in the mail rather than email we will also need a mailing address.

Last but not least, please be praying for us and the larger Fort Wayne area. This city has lost approximately 100,000 jobs in the last two years and unemployment is at a whopping 9.6%. I have still not been able to find a job. I applied to work at Panera a few weeks back and I went in to introduce myself to the manager and let him know I applied. He said that there were 560 applications for that one position being processed!! Sigh... I'm afraid it's a tough economy up here. Please, be praying that I find work so Jake can continue his studies and that more jobs would be brought into this town for the 9.6% of us who need them.
